Built my rod. Built three of them – one for James all fancied up to look like a Beulah rod, and one each for Jared Paine and Me. Jared and I have fished, tied and built rods together for well over 10 years. We were really into this project. We built ours with recycled graphite reel seats and a discarded cork handles from when I used to work at Powell. We used REC Recoil single-foot titanium wire guides and 3/0 silk thread. A minimum of thread finish and we had 10 foot weapons that weighed in at 3 3/4 0z. We were pumped up to get out and wiggle them.
We stayed in the same house in McCloud from my trip in 2011. Late September. On our first night we started above the lower falls and worked up.
Things started happening fast. The 5 wt. was attracting fish!
Notice the arc in the rod. This is what I’ve been looking for! We caught dinks and sizeable fish on 6x and 3x and it was all very good on this rod.
That particular fish:
and another;
Let’s go to the Upper Sac…….
O.k., good idea.
I’m tired, let’s go home. I told you to put the cooler in the truck, what were you thinking?
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