The Beulah Opal Surf Rod 7/8 two hand fly rod is designed to reach coastal species with ease and stealth while still making it fun to play and land fish. The7/8 Beulah surf rod is light in hand and in the right hands has the power to punch a cast 100′ with half the effort of a single hand equivalent.Although designed for Surf fishing, this rod is also popular as a crossover for steelhead for those who prefer a faster Scandinavian style rod. The Beulah Opal G2 Series rods are constructed using state of the art Graphene material, AAAA Cork grips with burl inlays, solid titanium stripper guides, and industries finest Snake brand* guides.
Use of rod: Excellent for Surf casting for Coho, schoolie stripers, sea run cutthroat from the beach, jetties or mouths of coastal streams. This rod also does well doubling as a small spey or switch for steelhead or sea run browns in Tierra Del Fuego.
Surf Rod Series 11’0″ 7/8wt. 4 Piece 6.5 oz. Comes with sock, tube, lifetime warranty for original owner (see warranty information for conditions.)
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