Beulah Platinum Spey Rod 12’4” 8wt~ There is little more addicting in the angling world than swinging a fly and coaxing a take from a bright Steelhead or Salmon that has just entered a coastal river system. Fresh in from the ocean these fish are cloaked in a translucent chrome, have a “kamakazi” smash the fly and run style that makes any fisherman contemplate how good life can be. A rugged coastal stream with a steep gradient can make the challenge even more intense. The Beulah 12’4” 8wt was designed to meet this challenge. Light yet stout, this rod will allow you to cast in tight quarters using heavy tips and weighted flies with the potential to cover miles of water without fatiguing. With extra power in reserve, the 12’4” 8wt Platinum Spey rod casts intruders and T-14 like most rods casts a dry fly.
The power and flex of this rod will also make it an excellent candidate for two hand casting in the surf either Spey or two hand overhead.
Use of rod: Fishing a variety of lines for Steelhead, Atlantic Salmon, Chinook, Sea run Browns, and Silver Salmon.
Action: Slightly regressed Traditional “Spey” action/ fast recovery
Platinum Spey Rod Series 12’4″ 8wt. 4 Piece 7.2 oz.
Comes with sock, tube, lifetime warranty for original owner (see warranty for conditions)
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