Beulah Platinum Single Hand 3wt 8’0″
$425.00 Buy Now
8’0” 3 weight -4 piece 2.7 oz:
The Beulah Platinum 8’ 3 wt fly rod was designed with small mountain streams and beautiful wild trout in mind. We have tested this rod with leaders from 7 ½’ – 16’ and the turnover, as well as the pin point accuracy is incredible. The Platinum 3 wt’s deeper flex pattern will allow for a short, quick rod load in tight quarters and a smooth, forgiving, cast to roll out tight loops and fine leaders.
Our Platinum 3 weight offers a nickel-silver reel seat with stabilized Maple burl wood insert, reverse half wells grip with Beulah signature inlays, high quality, a salt water safe stripping guide, and light wire chrome over stainless steel snake guides. And to top it all off, we went with 4 color winding. After all, a Beulah is not a Beulah until the performance is wrapped in art!
All Platinum single hand fly rods come complete with a partitioned rod sock and Cordura covered protective tube.
This fly rod was designed for use on spring creeks, high mountain lakes, small freestone rivers, or on Grandpa’s pond. This rod will be excellent to use for small to medium size trout and pan fish using a variety of fishing methods such as dry flies, wet flies or weighted nymphs.
Classic medium fast action with fast recovery. It is an excellent rod for delicate presentations close in or can be double hauled over 60′.
We recommend the Cortland 444 3.5 weight forward, Scientific Angler GPS 3 weight, or the Rio Gold 3 weight.
PLATINUM SERIES 8′ 3wt. 4 PIECE 2.7 oz
All Beulah Fly Rods are constructed with high modulus IM8 graphite and Portuguese AAA cork grips.
Rods come with cordura tube, sock, and a no fault, life time warranty for its original owner. (see warranty for details)